Michael Sagmeister is not only of one Germany's internationally most renowned jazz and fusion guitar players — he is also the author of one of the essential books for jazz guitar scholars in German, "Michael Sagmeister's Jazzgitarre".
2021 the Frankfurt-born musician released his most recent studio work "Story Board". I met him at the Guitar Summit in Mannheim, where he gave workshops promoted his signature guitar that he has released with FGN guitars. Mr. Sagmeister was kind enough to spontaneously answer for Hyperlocrian's "3 Questions for"-segment. The interview was done in German (see video), but I included the English transcription below.
Can you briefly tell us something about your FGN signature guitar?
To describe the instrument in detail now would gowell beyond the scope of this interview. The instrument corresponds exactly to my ideas. It shows the flexibility I need for my music. It has both a relatively rock tone, a round, nice jazzy tone. The playability, the design, the workmanship - those are the ideal choice for me.
What is your home like in terms of guitars? How can we imagine your guitar collection?
Oh God, that's a dangerous question (laughs). I have a lot of instruments, I've been doing this for a few bars now. It amounts to something like 30, 32 instruments, I think.
2021 saw the release of your great album "Story Board". What do you have coming up at the moment?
I'm currently busy trying to revive those first signs of life in the concert scene. Which is not easy, because many places still have great economic difficulties - in that they would be closed for two to two and a half years. I'm already sitting on another production, but I don't want to reveal what it's about yet. It will be a similar offbeat story to what I did with "Story Board."