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Markus Brandstetter
Jun 10, 2024
"Tae Kwon Don’t": A Conversation with Pianist and Composer Iiro Rantala
A conversation with Iiro Rantala about his new HEL Trio and their new record "Tough Stuff", upcoming projects, beauty in Jazz and more

Markus Brandstetter
Dec 8, 2022
Till Brönner im Interview (2022): „Ich bin selbst mein größter Kritiker“
For the english version of this interview, click here Till Brönner ist zweifellos einer der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Jazzmusiker...

Markus Brandstetter
Nov 12, 2022
"We are family": ACT celebrated 30 years of label history at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall
Click here for a German version of this article To celebrate its 30th birthday, the renowned German jazz label ACT celebrated together...

Markus Brandstetter
Nov 17, 2021
A conversation with Wolfgang Haffner: "Self-reflection is a source of strength"
For the German version, click here. Wolfgang Haffner, Germany's best–known jazz drummer has put together his dream band – and went on...

Markus Brandstetter
Nov 8, 2021
Wolfgang Haffner im Gespräch: "Selbstbesinnung ist ja auch eine Kraftquelle!"
For the English version, click here Der bekannteste Jazzschlagzeuger Deutschlands stellte sich seine Traumband zusammen — und geht damit...

Markus Brandstetter
Jul 1, 2021
Zu Besuch bei HELGE SCHNEIDER: „Als Improvisator muss man wirklich immer kämpfen“ (Interview)
Click here for the ENGLISH version of this interview. Markus Brandstetter besuchte den einzigartigen Musiker, Improvisator, Filmemacher,...

Markus Brandstetter
Jul 1, 2021
HELGE SCHNEIDER (Interview): "As An Improviser, You Really Have To Fight All The Time"
Für die deutschsprachige Originalversion des Gesprächs hier klicken. Markus Brandstetter visited the unique musician, improviser,...

Markus Brandstetter
May 10, 2021
Michael Wollny (Interview): "Dieser eine letzte, völlig verrückte Moment vor dem Stillstand"
Click here for the English version of this interview Was passiert, wenn einer der meistgefeierten europäischen Jazz-Pianisten drei...

Markus Brandstetter
May 10, 2021
Michael Wollny (Interview): "This One Last Completely Crazy Moment Before the Standstill"
Click here for the German version of this interview What happens when one of the most highly acclaimed contemporary European pianists...

Markus Brandstetter
Apr 3, 2021
Stefano Di Battista (Interview): "Ennio Morricone said: 'I'm going to write a song for you now!'"
Stefano Di Battista is one of Italy's most renowned jazz musicians — although it was his move to Paris in the early 1990s that opened the...

Markus Brandstetter
Mar 4, 2021
Sven Regener (Interview): "I learned to play the trumpet so that I could make jazz music"
Sven Regener, one of the most unique songwriters and lyricists in German music, has made a jazz record. Without vocals – using...

Markus Brandstetter
Feb 6, 2021
Brian Charette (Interview): "Johann Sebastian Bach was a jazz cat!"
Brian Charette did not plan a career as a Hammond organ player, but by coincidence became one of New York City's busiest ones. Born in...

Markus Brandstetter
Jan 30, 2021
John Goldsby (Interview): "That's when I realized: There are other bass players in New York!"
Master double bass player John Goldsby is deeply rooted in traditional jazz, yet he is also a joyful explorer of modernity. His working...

Markus Brandstetter
Dec 21, 2020
Rebekka Bakken (Interview): "Acting on nostalgia is always meaningless"
Ever since she set foot in New York City in the late 1990s to embark on her musical journey, Rebekka Bakken has been on a remarkable...

Markus Brandstetter
Dec 21, 2020
A Listener's Guide to Rebekka Bakken
2020 marks Rebekka Bakken's 20th anniversary as a recording artist – and what amazing twenty years it has been. From her early records...
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